Ideal Glass presents OUTDEMONSOUT, a mural by artist and poet Samuel Jablon (opening Thursday, May 25, 7-9pm). Jablon’s paintings push language towards the brink of the unintelligible. He removes words and phrases from the lofty realm of the poetic and reshapes them as objects that can be handled, grasped. The title of the mural is adapted from lyrics of the legendary East Village band, The Fugs. Their song, titled “Exorcising the White House” ends with the chant “Out, Demons, Out”.  We face a presidential administration utterly lacking in humanity, it is time to take them down and throw them out.
The opening event will feature a poetry reading.

SAMUEL JABLON (USA, b. 1986) is an artist, poet and performance artist who lives and works in New York City. Jablon received his MFA from Brooklyn College/CUNY (2013) and his BA from Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado (2009). Jablon’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally at the Museum Of Modern Art, The Queens Museum and Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York. Recently, he had solo exhibitions in New York at Freight + Volume (LES) and Arts + Leisure (Harlem), and in Los Angeles at Diane Rosenstein. He has been written about in The Wall Street Journal, Interview Magazine, Art in America, ARTnews, Hyperallergic, BOMB, the Brooklyn Rail and others.